- Buyer Mota Da Fonseca Sergio Lourenco and Maria Elisabeth Garcia Lopes Fonseca
- Seller Fonseca Sergio Lourenco Mota Da
- Buyer Maria Elisabeth Garcia Lopes Fonseca
- Seller Fonseca Sergio Lourenco Mota Da
- Buyer Da Fonseca Sergio Lourenco Mota
- Seller HSBC Bank USA National Association and Wells Fargo Home Equity Trust 2005 3
- Buyer HSBC Bank USA National Association and Wells Fargo Home Equity Trust 2005 3
- Seller Landra W Ingram, Orange County, Stonebridge Place Community Association Inc., Vistas at Stonebridge Place Condominium Association Inc., Bank of America National Association and Metrowest Master Association Inc.
- Buyer Edgar J. and Landra W. Ingram
- Seller Pulte Home Coporation